Part 48: Mission 19 - Judgment at Dusk - Part 2
SRW UX - Linebarrel (Full Intro)

: Wh-What
? Why the hell are you here?!

: Do you even gotta ask
? Its because Im a CHAMPION OF JUSTICE!


: Hayase

: Gaah, that dumdum really kept us waiting

: Hahah, what an entrance, Kouichi
Youre becoming more and more Championly by the day!

: I was sure I was gonna be too late, even flying as fast as I could

: It was you, wasnt it, Kizaki? You called the Linebarrel over!

: No, I
Um, I mean
Yes, I guess I did!

: The Linebarrels capable of warping through space even with a Factor aboard

: (That ability was just like the Orphes

: Looks like we made it.

: Moritsugu

: Reiji?! Whatre you doing here

: Its over, Eiji.

: Wh-What

: Kiriyama Heavy Industries has already been taken over. Youre done.


: Hah
I get it. You were planning on betraying me from the start
! But youre wrong

: ?! The Federation and even The Boom Army

: I just have to make it through this and everything elsell follow

: That also applies to us, however!

: My friends, this is all-out war! Summon forth every ounce of your might!

: You got it! Ill give him an eyeful of the power of JUSTICE!
And, yay, Reiji and Kouichi are back already! Losing either of thems a game over, but you really shouldnt have that happen unless you actively try to.
Kiriyamas far from our group again, so well need to close in again downing him ends the mission, so well save that for after everything else is gone. Of note, the new batch of guys are close enough to start blasting whatevers by the bridge.
In the JP and EU route, when the next turn rolls over

: Still going at it, eh? I confess I didnt think youd last this long
That being said!

: A-Aah! How could he have
more troops lying in wait

: Didnt see this coming, did we? Whoops!
The Riot Cs move up.*

: Theyre also going after JUDA Corp

: W-We cant last like this

: No, dont worry...
they have made it in good time!

: Wh-What?!
SRW UX - Rebellion Against Fate
Id figured this was a regular BGM, but it turns out this is the local big goddamn heroes theme, so here it is!

: Thats
the Ptolemaios!

: Here we are at last! All troops, mission start!

: Theyre under fire from the Federation! Is everyone okay?!

: Looks like a real mess theyve got on their hands, but it might be winnable with us here to help

: Agreed. Setsuna F. Seiei, moving to break the enemy offensive

: Hmph, I see several flies gathered in a swarm... However, none of them shall be a match for me!

: (Cao Cao

: (He was also brought to this world, just as we feared

: Shoouu, Japans jampacked with robots too!

: Yeah, the enemys got a ton of machines Ive never even seen before! Theyre not taking me down, though!

: Ill cover your six, Shou!

: Yeesh, we
just got to Japan and we already gotta fight?

: Still, were here to join up with the UX, so we better make a good first impression!

: Aye, teach this uncouth mob of foes to fear yours and the Demonbanes might!

: Come on, Heroman! They need our help!

: Hmm

: Theyre all here!

: Alright, things are looking way up already! Lets buckle up and take out the rest of the enemy!

: Th-This cant be happening
! I refuse to accept it
! I wont!

: Because
Because, then
wouldn't this mean I'm the
villain here?!

: Of course you are anyone with half a brain could tell you that! So you better get ready to pay the piper, Kiriyama!
SRW UX - Shangri-La
And I kept on killing stuff, nice and easy
until I underestimated the Riot Cs. Remember when I said that the fresh arrivals were in position to immediately reach whatever was by the bridge? They did: the Elshank was there.
Overconfidence is an insidious killer and Id come to take Rominas barrier for granted. The mooks had already plinked away at her HP, and when I decided to try (and fail) at a double kill with the Riots

SRW UX - Tobikage Appears!

Pilot Skills:
Double Movement
Ninja L9
Prevail L9
Support Attack L3
Support Defense L3
Break Morale Limit
All Attack L3
Mech Features:
Bunshin no Jutsu
Say hello to THE best pilot in the whole goddamn game: Tobikage has massively HUGE stats everywhere, and beats everyone weve encountered thus far, ally or enemy, by a mile.
He will not be killed by the enemy they wont even get anything above single digits % to hit (and thats before accounting for Bunshin no Jutsu) as that maxed out Ninja skill means he has +28% to his evasion and accuracy numbers, plus an S size AND S ranks everywhere. Tobikages gigantic Skill stat, big modifiers in his weapons and Ninjas +20% boost pretty much means hell crit everything he attacks, too.
Tobikages weapons are very powerful, but the enemies in this mission are bulky enough that he wont be oneshotting them with his weaker ones, meaning hell have to use his Double Movement to reap an enemy duo per turn
unless he gets a bit of morale, then he will oneshot, and thatll be two pairs hell take per turn.
If you mess up and Tobikage arrives, you have one option if you dont want him to take away a ton of your money and kills: get Joe, Mike or Rennie to eat something that sends them below 30% (a MAPW might work, if enemies wont cut it). If you cant, then youll need to rush and minimize your losses, which isnt the simplest as Tobikage moves very far, very quickly, and the enemy AI will gang up on him if nothing interesting is in sight.
Oddly enough, the US team only get their pre-battle convos in the JP route, despite the fact that theyve just joined in the EU route as well.

: How can they say Richard, Saya and their friends are terrorists, enemies of the whole world? Thats
got to be some sort of mistake!

: Come on, Heroman! We have to put an end to this fight! Heromaaaaan
It begins!
His second weakest attack, at base morale, and he nearly oneshotted two mooks despite the chain-attack damage penalty (10%, even with All Attack L3). Of course, he does kill them both on the rebound.
The new arrivals come in with 120 morale, so I could bust out Shou and Marvels combined attack with only a couple of kills!
SRW UX - Love Survivor

: Stop zipping all over the damn place! You say you wanna fight, you get over here and fight me mano a mano!

: Heres some advice for you, son! Being able to think on your feet and adapt is key for life in society!
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

: A villain like you dares masquerade yourself as just?! I wont allow your evil to carry on for another minute!

: So this is one of those miniature Gundams Ive heard so much about? Im pretty sure my company could cook up something brand new after weve had a chance to poke around your insides!

Liu Bei: What justice is there in a world that isnt what the people desire?!
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: A brat like you is a Champion of Justice
?! Youre just a snot-nosed middle-schooler!

: Hah, you underestimate what a middle-schooler can do!
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: Thats another kid inside that robot? Kids ought to do as the grownups say, you know!

: Because youre kids, and were grownups
! Thats just an excuse people use both back at the island, and outside it to force their decisions onto us!
SRW UX - Obelisk

: The sky of Earth belongs to earthlings! Hurry on out of it, alien!

: In that case, take better care of that sky and stop staining it with your foul play!
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: JUDAs my new home, and Ill make sure it stays in one piece!

: Then, please, stop fighting back! Ill bring JUDA into my company and its Special Forces will come with!
SRW UX - Life Goes On

: A last-generation mech from the Great War
do you seriously think you can down my Pretender with that?

: Im an old hand when it comes to fighting transformable units! And I know exactly how to deal with them!
Heres Kiriyamas best trick.
SRW UX - Future-Bound Fighting Spirit

: Your cheap tactics will never make us back away! Try and pull whatever stunts youd like, they wont work!

: Hmph, quite the holier-than-thou speech coming from a terrorist!
SRW UX - Obelisk

: So yours is a variable unit just like our Valkyries, eh? Sounds like fun! Come try your hand with me!

: Please, Earths machines would never be outdone by those of aliens!
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: Eiji
if only Id noticed your twisted sense of justice sooner rather than later

: Actually
I had noticed it, but I was afraid of losing my dear friend. So I went about pretending nothing was wrong

: No, my justice isnt twisted at all! I am
not in the wrong

: Your game of make-believe is over, Eiji. Well save you from your delusion

: Come now, an outdated mech like yours could never beat a cutting-edge model like mine.

: Outdated, you say?! Come here and well see if wired Nerve Cracks really cant beat wireless ones!

: Hrgh
This cant be
In the JP route, he, instead, has his flip-out now:

: Th-This cant be happening
! I refuse to accept it
! I wont!

: Because
Because, then
wouldn't this mean I'm the
villain here?!
Common ground:

: Take a look, dear viewers! It looks like Mr. Kiriyamas machine has taken significant damage!

: ?! Wh-What are you doing

: Cut the transmission! I didnt tell you to show this!

: We are journalists, sir. All we do is showcase the truth, whatever it might be.

: Hrm
So even mere journalists like you are standing against me?!


: Well, dang, that broads got some major guts, eh?

: (Isabelle

: Its time you accepted reality, Eiji.

: Neither one of us can ever amount to Champions of Justice.

: Wh-What did you say


: A-Ah, I see how it is, Reiji! What you really want is to get revenge on me, huh?!

: Yes
you want revenge on me for getting your sister killed!

: His sister
? Whats he talking about?

: Youre right in that if I did the deed myself, itd only amount to base revenge. But thats why I wont be the one wholl actually save you
SRW UX - Linebarrel (Full Intro)

Itll be Hayase.

: ?! Moritsugu

: Wh-Why, Reiji?! Hes just a stupid teenager! Why are you looking out for him?!

: Hows he any different from us?!

: The difference is simple

: People look at Hayase and truly
believe him to be a Champion of Justice.


: Hayase

: Do it, Kouichi!

: Get going, Hayase! Toss that guys plans into the trash!

: Ya gotta do something after being talked up like that, right?!

: Theyre right, Hayase
ya gotta wrap this up

: G-Guys

: I ask that you finish off Eiji Kiriyama, Hayase. Please.

: Moritsugu
are you sure about this?

: The only way he can be saved is if hes beaten by a real Champion of Justice

: And if you succeed

: Then Ill also believe you to be one.

: Reiji

Alright, roger that.

I guess theres no talking with you, Reiji. But maybe youll open your eyes with this brat out the picture

: And in that case
Captions are available.

: Urgh

: I-Is it over


: Reiji
theres just one thing you got wrong.

: I only wanted to be
your Champion of Justice

I know. But I didnt want that of you.

: I wouldve been happy with you just being my friend

: I see

: Reiji
I wish we could back to how things were

: Eiji Kiriyama
if only hed used that dedication for something different

: ...

: Moritsugu...
Back at Tokyo, Saji and Louise are watching Isabelles report on Kiriyamas failed attack at JUDA. When she asks if somethings up, he says its nothing.
Saji remembers how the Celestial Beings armed intervention brought significant change to the world two years ago yet, Setsuna and the others are still out there fighting
By Moldova, Allelujah and Soma Peries have also seen the news. Should they go and help out Ptolemy, she wonders? No, Allelujah says theyll call for them if need be. Besides, hed like keep her out the battlefield if possible.
Cut to JUDA, Isabelle wraps up her report, noting how JUDA and UXs excessive might will continue to draw the eyes of society at large. As Sakuya cuts the recording, she wonders if our guys really are these enemies of the world the powers that be say we are.
Axel Hughes is around and praises her journalistic soul, Isabelle thanking him for keeping her network out of Kiriyamas control and able to work unhindered. In the EU and JP routes, Axel hadnt reached out to them yet, so Sakuya asks who he is and why he helped them. His answer is the same in both accounts: he just wants the undiluted truth to be brought to the world.
Sakuya figures doing soll help with whatever his job is but, while Axel gives a vague confirmation, he wont complain about it since divulging the truth IS their actual work. And since in for a penny means in for a pound, Isabelle figures they need to get to the bottom of this JUDA/UX business.
In the US route, the convo with Axel stays the same until the undiluted truth bit, where Sakuya is the one to question whether JUDA and the UX really are the enemies of the world. But, as Axel notes, finding answers is precisely Sakuya and Isabelles craft, no? Absolutely, and Isabelle stakes her confidence as a journalist on it.
Back at Ishigamis office, we get the bombastic news that Moritsugu is now the new president of Kiriyama Heavy Industries! Apparently the company board, led by Kiriyamas dad himself, officially dismissed him and appointed Moritsugu as his successor.
Ogawa asks if Ishigami knew this would happen, but no: all Moritsugu told him is that he wanted to settle accounts with Eiji Kiriyama before taking off. He never expected the guy would wind up taking up the entire company, though.
Apparently Moritsugu and Dad Kiriyama had been working on this plan for a while. Info on all of it was left behind in his computer, so we found out the truth when Yamashita hacked in: his betrayal of JUDA was just a ruse to gain Eiji Kiriyamas trust.
But why would Kiriyamas father oust his own son? From what Yamashita gathered, the old man noticed how twisted Kiriyama had become getting in bed with the Katou Organization, becoming the Pretenders Factor and did this in hopes that itll help his son turn over a new leaf.
Joe, however, isnt sure what Kiriyama really wanted to get from all this. His overt reason was to take over JUDA and claim a bigger share of the military industry, but Kouichi thinks his
actual reason was just that he wanted to help Moritsugu.
Kouichi tells them of the file Yulianne gave him, which told of how Kiriyama and Moritsugu used to be best friends back in the day. Kiriyama, however, wanted to be the sole influence in the guys life, so he orchestrated things so that his sister, Yuriko Moritsugu, wound up being killed.
That explains to Kenji why Moritsugu said itd just be base revenge if he took out Kiriyama himself. But, rather, he fought to try and save his old friends life - that makes absolutely no sense to Ogawa and she figures its a guy thing.
When Toumi asks, Richard says Kiriyama was picked up from the battlefield by his father and taken abroad. Saya figures any legal measures wouldnt amount to much when the culprits a Factor, but perhaps thisll be for the best if Kiriyama uses this opportunity to reflect upon himself and correct his course through life.
Regardless, thats that issue taken care of
but not the one regarding JUDAs secret being exposed to the entire planet. We are all now officially enemies of the world

: Yamashita, about what happened

: Why didnt you tell me anything? If youd just explained what was up, I

: I know I had to bring Hayase into this, but todays battle was personal matter

: So I didnt want to involve the rest of you. My original plan was to keep things from blowing out of proportion.

: But things
did get blown out of proportion anyway, didnt they?!

: Yes, they did
I made a mistake.

: Then I want you to promise me that the next time anything happens, youll let me know

: Yeah, I promise.

: Damn it
It mightve all been an act, but I cant stand the thought of you turning traitor
It sickens me

: Yamashita

: I am truly sorry for everything. And you did very well in protecting JUDA during my absence.

: Moritsugu~

: Hey, dont cry. Well be leaving soon, right?

: Leaving
? Oh, for Hayases Christmas Party?

: Itll also be something of a welcome party for the Union/Europe groups. Youll be there, right? Itd do you well to have fun once in a blue moon.
Everyones blown away by the huge party and banquet Moritsugu put together for us, and Kurou isnt one to waste free food hell eat enough to cover a whole week! While Al shakes her head, Kurou tries pouring more stuff into Joeys plate, much to the kids embarrassment. He already has enough!
These guys sure dont look anything like what Joe envisioned the heroes who took out the Skrugg, and Rennie thinks theyve just found a bigger food aficionado than Joe. Hardly, as Joes just fussy about food damn it, Mike, youre not supposed to mix food that takes chili sauce with stuff that takes sesame sauce! Fussy, indeed
Setsunas off in a corner and Lockon prods him to do stuff. This is a PARTY, so how about having some fun? Or is there something on his mind? Maybe, maybe not, but Setsuna tells Lockon and the others to dont worry about him and go have fun themselves.
As he leaves, Mileina notes that hes been getting progressively more distant nowadays. But he
is the first Innovator, a new strand of mankind as Aeolia Schenberg proposed, so maybe hes sensing stuff we dont even know is there? Hmm
Nearby, in the US route, Sima Yi is pleasantly surprised that he has a chance to drink with the people of the Sun Army again. Again? But werent they at war with each other? Not always, as Zhou Yu says: there was a time when they fought under the same banner.
Thatd be the campaign against Dong Zhuo, a highlight in Romance of the Three Kingdoms only, as Domyoji points out, in our world, that happened about a century before Sima Yi started making rounds. The guy himself has read the book, and it shows the subtle differences between the history of our world and in Mirisha.
Speaking of, theres also the somewhat different Byston Well that Lux comes from and the one Marvel and Shou know of. Seems that even different worlds are capable of having parallel versions of themselves, Eida notes, and it all sounds very complicated to Shizuna.
Still, its quite amazing to Maya how people from those different worlds are now fighting side-by-side. Different worlds, hm
? Cao Cao mulls under his breath. Sima Yis just as pensive: All of Creation possesses two sides to itself
Whatever could there be in the void between the layered worlds
In the JP and EU route, Shou tells of how hes also a native Overworlder who wound up in Byston Well with many others only it was a different Byston Well from the one we visited, of course. Indeed, Lux notes that shes never heard speak of many of the nations he mentioned, but Erebos can attest that his and Marvels units are legit Aura Battlers.
Seems to Aesap that there are both common elements, like that Jacoba Aon we spoke to, and different elements (like with Jacoba being a mushroom lady, and alive). Even different worlds are capable of having parallel versions of themselves, apparently thats a tough concept for Shinn to wrap his head around.
Still, its quite amazing to Maya how people from those different worlds are now fighting side-by-side.

: That becomes even more significant from our standpoint. Here we have previously hostile rulers now standing together in battle.

: Wei, Shu and Wu, once bitter enemies, now forced to ally with one another
Isnt that something?

: Indeed
fate is an amazing thing.

: ...

: ...

: Hmph... Does the thought of doing battle beside me upset you so?

: I wouldnt say upset is the right world. It just feels
odd, having you here with us

: If it helps, the feeling is mutual.

: However, right now we are all drifters from a different world
Tis better to disregard the past and tread through this together than by our lonesome, no?


: (Cao Cao, an unscrupulous hero in chaotic times
Your words may ring true, but I wonder what sort of purpose lies in their shadows


: Is something wrong?

: Kizaki
No, I just got stuff on my mind

: About what happened today?

: Yeah
I was sure Moritsugu was gonna try and take revenge on Kiriyama. But it didnt turn out that way he forgave him instead.

: And I thought, could I have done that if I was in his shoes
? That guys really amazing

: He is, yes

: And I know that he asked me to do it, but I cant help but wonder if it really was right for me to take Kiriyama out myself

: I dont think you need to worry about that. You did the right thing.

: Really

: Really.

: Well, alright
But, theres one thing that became 100% clear.

: And its that Moritsugus on a different league than me, both as a Factor and as a person
And Id like to surpass him someday.

: Hayase

: Huh? Speak of the devil, is that him over there

: He told me that he was going to pay for the hall and then he was heading back to JUDA.

: Whaa?! Crap, gimme a sec, then! I gotta go thank him for the party!
Off he goes.*

: Ah, Hayase


: Moritsugu!

: Hayase
? Something the matter?

: No, I
I just wanted to say thanks a bunch for this.

: Dont worry about it. Its the least I could do to make up for the trouble I caused.

: But did you run all the way here just to say that?

: Um
No, I

: Hah...

: Hayase, that punch you gave me earlier
It was truly painful.

: ?! Moritsugu
Finally, back at New York, both Hester and Mitsuhiro saw Kiriyamas assault at JUDA go down, and theyve confirmed without a doubt that the Fafner Nothung Models are all with the UX.
Hester says they need to put
that plan in action and Mitsuhiro confirms that everythings good to go. First, theyll recall the spy at ALVIS back to Japan and then theyll move to secure a Nothung Model. Humanity has very little time left. Everything depends on the Fafners
Hester says.
FYI, the Fafner trio got another 10 kills today, bringing their total to 51 were a third of the way there! 
And since Joeys FINALLY rejoined legit, I can start getting kills with him again: his total is currently 23, so theres a lot of work to be done. Thankfully, his cutoff point is waaaay down the line.
Now, lines we didnt get or that were in other routes:

: Ah, one of the Celestial Beings Gundams! Your group was a an evil force upon the entire world and I wont have you getting in the way of my justice!

: Everyone has their own understanding of whats right. That being said, I refuse to accept your definition of justice!

: Why, its been ages, little boy. Have you bulked up a bit since then?

: Yeah, weve been through our own share of close calls! Lets get through another one, Heroman!

: Hmm

: Oh, dear, its the hunk with the Deus Machina. Do you remember me?

: Youre one of those guys that attacked Arkham City! But Im not the same guy I was back then!

: Indeed, you are not. Let her behold the might you have developed!

: Moritsugu would never get together with scum like you, Eiji Kiriyama!

: Oops, looks like you dont know anything

: No, Reiji
is together with me. Thats just the way the cookie crumbles, son!

: Fancy meeting you here, grandpa.

: You again? I wont allow any of you to take JUDA thats the place Ive to defend now!

: Hmm, what a spirited man you are
You do justice to the Talisman name, I see.

: Justice is with me! Yes, I

: What a powerful soul
No, this Aura surrounding him
its pure hatred!

: The Nanajin and Ill put you right in your place!

: Ah, its one of those Aura Battlers? But you wont be outclassing my Pretender when it comes to mobility!

: A serf like you dares masquerade yourself as just?! I shall personally tender your due judgment!

: So this is one of those miniature Gundams Ive heard so much about? Im pretty sure my company could cook up something brand new after weve had a chance to poke around your insides!

: A despicable man like you dares masquerade yourself as just?! Your evil must be punished, and Ill see to it myself! I swear it by my name as Sun Quan!

: So this is one of those miniature Gundams Ive heard so much about? Im pretty sure my company could cook up something brand new after weve had a chance to poke around your insides!

: Huh, so he can transform into a flying machine? Thats just like Lu Xun and his Swift Swallow form! (
Lu Xuns Zeta Plus)

: Princess, please! I beg that you dont compare such a man to me!

: Looks like the Japan crew picked up some new faces while we were gone. We better look good for our return, then!

: Look good! Look good!

: Alrighty, then! Now lets make it like the Lockon Stratos name suggests and start sniping stuff!

: Kurou, my master! If what stands before your eyes strikes you as unacceptable, then take in hand the blade that smites evil and wield it as you see fit!

: Aye, aye! Evil will never prosper anywhere inbetween the earth and the heavens!

: Here we go, Demonbane, the innocent blade!!

: Hey there, villainess. What kinda cards you got up your sleeve today?

: Youll see, Mr. Nameless. First things first, though, Ive a score to settle with you after Iwate!

: Our Aura Machines engines are growing stronger after coming to the Overworld

: Just make sure you dont get taken over by negative emotions and you wont go Hyper! All we need to do is cut down the enemys delusions

: Thats right! Get them!

: So it wasnt just my dads country
even Japans turning into a battlefield!

: Yeah, theres war everywhere we look up here!

: And were fighting to change that! Come on! Well bring this battle to a close with all of the Nanajins power!

: May victory be yours, my Lord.

: Hah, observe, Sima Yi. My crimson flames shall reduce them all to ash.
A question in the thread about Cham's capacity to be a subpilot for both Shou and Marvel led to the discovery that her appearance in the various attacks is an overlay on top of the base animation. That, in turn, inspired MajinZenki: